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It is a recognized IT solutions company that provides a wide range of services to clients seeking advanced infrastructure, architecture, analysis and innovation solutions. The company has a team of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in infrastructure, architecture and IT services. With their in-depth knowledge and experience, they deliver world-class solutions to customers in a variety of industries.

Our Vision


3Par1's vision is to create and develop a foundation for the management of IT resources, with a focus on technological optimization in each function of the infrastructure and information systems of the company. We understand digital transformation as a stellar moment in the  evolution of IT services and a great opportunity for industry renewal that must be based on the correct mastery of technology, to put the power of information in the hands of customers and the generation of a true value chain.

To achieve its objectives, we focus on two factors: Human Resources and Technology, we train under demanding standards to our specialists in the management of information technology infrastructure, to acquire the highest level of excellence in their domain and thus, to deliver maximum value in the services we provide to our customers. 

Nuestra Cultura

Nuestra cultura y experiencia vienen formadas bajo una estructura corporativa con lineamientos de servicios en las marcas: IBM, VMware, Oracle, Odoo y Microsoft, que al combinarse e integrarse de manera orquestada con una gerencia de vanguardia, produce un equipo multidisciplinario de gran versatilidad orientado al logro y a la más alta calidad en el servicio entregado al cliente final.